metal container
Tanks and tubes are usually made of metal, such as aluminum or tin. Aluminum prevents bacterial growth and is one of the most recycled materials on the planet. Most collapsible tubes are made of aluminum, while tin and lead also make up a large portion of cosmetic packaging.
Metal acts as an unbreakable package that provides the strongest protection for a product. They can also protect products from moisture or heat. Metals are highly recyclable for companies trying to convey an eco-friendly image. Another major advantage is that metal can be made in various shapes and sizes to avoid waste. Overall, metals are a cost-effective, long-lasting and sustainable solution. For example, metal cosmetic containers combined with plastic offer marketers unique design options for high-end price segments.
material selection
Construction and material decisions determine the most suitable packaging. The volume of a product affects size and weight, which affects shipping, storage, and cost. Products that oxidize rapidly require airtight containers. Material selection is based on the following important factors:
.type of substance in container
.Decoration, Color, Capacity Notes
.Product life
.Product dimensions and weight
.Heat resistance
.Physical, chemical and biological aspects of the product
.Close Type (Screw, Crimp, Press, Roll, Friction)
in conclusion
Cosmetic packaging bottles embody the identity of the brand. Often the packaging is already considered part of the product by the consumer. Consider the purpose, advantages and disadvantages of certain materials. Consider material properties such as durability and sustainability and their relationship to retail conditions. Cosmetics need beautiful and functional packaging to be successful.